Monday, March 4, 2013

Around the Classroom

I absolutely LOVE my job and not many people get to say that.  Now, let's be honest....there are times that I feel frustrated; I believe that just comes with the profession.  Remember, I work with little people.  I wake up with a smile and go home everyday with the thought "I am a better person for experiencing that today."  

My classroom is a friendly and welcoming to students of all ages.  I planned it that way and spent one whole summer ordering colorful items.  I had three walls painted a neutral tan and the fourth wall painted a bright teal.  I made curtains for the windows and painted signs for the door.  You see, this was the first year for the English/Language Arts Success Maker computer lab at my school.  I got the privilege of picking out and ordering my own tables and chairs for the 26 computers I was receiving.  I even talked the district into getting chair pockets!!  I was set when school started.

Now let me show you what I mean....

The bright teal wall with computers in front. 
My computers in the center of the room and my colorful bulletin boards!
The computers along the wall. with more of my colorful charts!
My little corner of the classroom.
The intervention table for teachers and students.

This blog will contain:
  • tips for teaching computer lab to elementary students
  • how to successfully complete interventions
  • my sometimes crazy computer lab
  • the joy of students learning

Please check in weekly, as I will update and keep the smile on my face!


  1. Hello,
    I'm in your ECT 510 class.
    How do I become a follower of your blog?

  2. Add me on google plus....I believe that is how we follow each other.
